Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and reliability of the details you send to us in compliance with the General Data Privacy Law and relevant Indian data protection legislation.
The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to help you understand how we gather and use your information.
For starters, family members who might drive your vehicle or who may be involved in a household insurance scheme, we may obtain details from you about such individuals. It is your responsibility to ensure and confirm that you give us information about another person.
You have told the person who we are and how we use personal information as explained in this Privacy Notice
You have the individual's permission to supply us with the personal details and allow us to use it, As shown in this Privacy Note
If you have any questions or queries about this policy please contact us.

Who we are

Established in 2004, Jaika Insurance Brokerage Pvt. Ltd. is an independent risk management, advisor and general insurance broking company (Non-Life). Jaika Insurance Brokerage Pvt. Ltd. is a part of Jaika Group of Companies. Jaika offers expert financial advice on policy-buying decisions and offers motor, health, home, travel, personal, and many other insurance packages from top insurers in India.

How to contact us

Please email us at: with any inquiries or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our data privacy policies, or to make an entry to the topic or some other request about the details that we keep.
Jaika Insurance Brokerage Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Floor, Jaika Building, Commercial Road,
Civil Lines, Nagpur.- 440 001.
Tel: 1800 2333 533 email:

Why we need and how we use your personal information

We only collect, use and store your information where we have legitimate grounds for doing so, and legitimate business reasons.
To contact you via mails/calls for insurance renewal follow-ups, for informing you about the new product launch, services offered etc.
To satisfy requests for quotes, goods and services, we collect, use and store your personal details as part of our insurance broking, claims handling and risk management practice. It can also be used for checking your identity, processing payments and helping us to carry out anti-money laundering and other checks on financial crime where necessary.
The use of your data is essential for us to check your identity, so that you can take out an insurance Contract and for operating insurance (for example, in the case of a claim). We can use it too to keep Updated documents, notifying you of improvements to our service and helping us create new products And facilities
When you do not have the correct details we will not be able to manage your policies and we will not be able to provide you with those services
We may monitor your phone calls, emails , text messages and other communications. If you do contact us, we may keep records of that correspondence and any information that we receive during that or any subsequent correspondence Communication
We use cookies to collect information about users on the site. Note that the website is not available Function when cookies have been deactivated. Cookies are Web server messages sent to a web browser. The message is then stored by the browser in a text file called cookie.txt. Each time the browser requests a page from the server, this message is sent back. A cookie's main objective is to identify users and personalize their visit by customizing web pages for them, for example by welcoming them by name the next time they visit the site. A site using cookies will usually invite you to provide personal information such as your name, your email address and interests. We may use cookies to store information such as your user identification number to allow us to identify whether you have registered to use particular parts of the Website which you are using. We will only use cookies from your cookie file placed there through your web browser's interaction with the Website.

Other Uses of Data


When you provide your details you will be given an opportunity to confirm whether you are happy to receive marketing material from us and selected partners. If you confirm you are happy to receive this material, we will use your postal address, email address and telephone number to send you marketing materials by post, email, telephone call or SMS. We do not pass your data to other companies for marketing purposes without your consent. You can unsubscribe from emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link on any marketing communications we send you or by contacting 1800 2333 533. This will not impact any communications that we need to send you for the purpose of your quote, for example confirmation of your quote or your account details, notifications we need to send you regarding communications necessary for any other services you have requested that we provide to you.

Market Research

From time to time we may want to use your postal address, email address and/or telephone number to contact you to assist us with our research by asking you a few questions about the service you have received or by asking if you would like to complete a review of our services. We may sometimes ask market research companies to contact you on our behalf.
If you would prefer us not to contact you for market research purposes then you can let us know by contacting us at 1800 2333 533.

Research and Analysis Activities

We and our partners use data relating to your quotes, including the personal data you input to request your quotes and information about the policies or contracts you have taken out, to carry out various research and analysis activities to help us to regularly review and improve the products and services we or our partners provide and carry out research. We also share this data with our insurance providers and comparison service providers to enable them to use this data for these purposes. Where possible, data will be shared on an anonymised basis. The data will not be used to make any decisions that will affect you or any other individual and we require our partners and comparison service providers to delete the data as soon as the relevant research and analysis activity is concluded.
We also use the data that we collect about you through your Website usage to carry out research and analysis into usage and activities on our Website to enable us to continue to improve our Website and our products and services. We and/or other parties may use your information for purposes such as statistical and trend research and analysis which may include computerized processes which profile you. Automatic profiling helps us understand, predict and forecast customer preferences and to improve the products and services we offer and to assess which products might be most suitable for you.
In relation to personal data used for the purposes we process this data because we have a legitimate business interest in carrying out these activities to promote and improve our business. We have ensured appropriate safeguards to protect your rights when processing this data for these purposes.

Nature of personal information

Personal data is any information that may identify a living individual. We collect personal information such as name, contact details, date of birth, gender, marital status, financial details, employment details and other personal details depending on the nature of the insurance and other services we offer.
We may collect, use and store sensitive personal information such as criminal convictions and medical conditions as necessary in relation to insurances such as motor, home, travel and health insurance. This information may be shared with insurers, insurance product providers and our third party service providers. Where necessary, we shall obtain your consent to the processing of such information.

Sharing information

We will only supply your personal information to other parties where such a transfer is a necessary part of the activities that we undertake, where you give us consent or where we are required to do so by law or regulation (e.g. where the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of the prevention and/or detection of crime).

Transfer of personal data outside the India

In compliance with applicable law, all personal information stored on our Information Technology systems can be passed across geographical boundaries. By providing your information to us, you consent to your information being collected, transmitted internationally, stored and processed. Such transfers are regulated by standard Indian contractual provisions or similar data transfer agreements to protect the confidentiality and protection of personal information.

How long we keep information about you

We will retain your details as long as it is appropriate to allow us to quote, administer your policy, offer renewal and respond to any claims or grievances (which may occur after the policy period has expired). This will typically be a fifteen-year minimum duration, or otherwise as defined by law or regulation. Once we decide that your information is no longer needed it will be destroyed securely and confidentially.

Your data protection rights

Under India data security laws and regulations you have certain legal rights, summarized as follows. The right to be informed about our data processing activities, including through Privacy Notices such as this. The right of access to the personal information we hold about you. To request a copy of this information you must make a subject access request in writing to us. The right of rectification You may ask us to correct any inaccurate or incomplete data within one month. The right to erasure and to restrict processing You have the right to have your personal data erased and to prevent processing except where we have a legal obligation to process your personal information. You should bear in mind that by exercising this right you may hinder or prevent our ability to provide products and services. The right to data portability On your request, we will provide you with your personal data in a structured format. The right to object You have particular rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling to reduce the risk that a potentially damaging decision is taken without human intervention. You can object to your personal data being used for profiling, direct marketing or research purposes.

Withdrawal of consent

Where you have given your clear consent to the use of personal data, the consent can be withdrawn by contacting us.
Jaika Insurance Brokerage Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Floor, Jaika Building, Commercial Road,
Civil Lines, Nagpur.- 440 001.
Tel: 1800 2333 533 email:

How to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint about how we hold or use your data, please contact us.
Jaika Insurance Brokerage Pvt. Ltd.
2nd Floor, Jaika Building, Commercial Road,
Civil Lines, Nagpur.- 440 001.
Tel: 1800 2333 533; email:
If you are dissatisfied with how we deal with your complaint, you may contact the Information IRDIA's Office: Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India; Website:

Information from other sources

We may use legal public sources such as the electoral roll and other third party sources such as credit reference agencies to obtain information about you, such as to verify your identity or check your credit history for example. We also obtain credit-reference agencies and similar third parties information about you. Third parties such as insurance companies, other insurance intermediaries and authorizing authorities for motor vehicles may provide some personal information to us. In some cases, you will have submitted your personal information to them beforehand and given them permission to pass on this information for certain purposes. Such information will only be obtained from reputable sources which operate in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Children's Privacy – Those Under 18 Years Old

Our Website is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 18 years old. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from children under the age of 18 years old. If you are under the age of 18 years and would like to ask a question or use this site in any way which requires you to provide your personal information, please get your parent or guardian to use the site on your behalf. This shows our commitment to protect the privacy of children by making reasonable effort to ensure that a parent has authorized the collection of the child's personal data.

Other Websites/ Information

This Privacy Notice covers our Website only. Any other websites that may link to our Website are subject to their own notice of privacy, which may differ from ours. For their own privacy notices please check their respective websites.
Our Website does not enable our visitors to communicate with other visitors or post information to be accessed by others.
We may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time for example, to keep it up to date or to comply with legal requirements. The latest version of this policy can be found at